不锈钢筛网简介 |
添加时间:2019/8/5 10:01:06 浏览次数: |
不锈钢筛网是不同与一般网状产品。而是有严格的系列网孔尺寸。并且有对物体颗粒进行分级、筛选功能的符合行业、机构、标准认可的网状产品。筛网不讲“目数”,“目数”只是人们来描述筛网的一种习惯,一时难以克服。筛网不同于一般网状产品,就是它有严格的网孔尺寸,而不是用“目数”表示。筛网尺寸不的孤立的,它有系列网孔尺寸组成,目的是为了分级筛选,只有这样的网状产品,才可称的上是筛网。 Stainless steel screen is different from general mesh products. It has a strict series of mesh sizes. And there are mesh products which can be classified and screened according to industry, institutions and standards. Screen does not say "mesh number", "mesh number" is only a habit of people to describe the screen, which is difficult to overcome for a while. Screen is different from the general mesh products, that is, it has a strict mesh size, rather than the "number of meshes" expressed. Screen size is not isolated, it has a series of mesh size composition, the purpose is to classify screening, only such mesh products can be called screen. |
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