






How to Choose Stainless Steel Screen Mesh
购买不锈钢筛网的时候,一定要商家出示营业执照等。丝径,目数可以要求商家提供材质报告等。不锈钢筛网在工业上的用处主要是过滤,所以狭义的说就是过滤网。那么选择滤网的时候,需要知道哪些参数呢?1:滤网目数 2:滤网丝径   3:滤网幅宽
When purchasing stainless steel screen mesh, must show business license and so on. Silk diameter, number of meshes can require merchants to provide material reports, etc. Stainless steel screen is mainly used for filtering in industry, so in a narrow sense, it is called filter. So what parameters do you need to know when choosing a filter? 1: Number of meshes 2: Screen diameter 3: Screen width
The number of meshes is a measure to define the size of meshes. Number of holes is the number of holes per square inch. The larger the number of meshes, liushuicaoo.75ix.com   yalvji.75ix.com   gemoyalvji.75ix.com  weijibaohu.75ix.com   jidianbaohu.75ix.com  ceshiyii.75ix.comthe smaller the aperture. When choosing the filter mesh, we should pay attention to the problem of the number of filter meshes to avoid mistakes. The so-called filter mesh number refers to the granularity or fineness of the material. The number of meshes is generally defined as the number of meshes in the area of 1 inch * 1 inch, that is, the number of meshes in the screen. The number of meshes through which the material can pass is defined as the number of meshes: for example, 200 meshes, that is, the screen through which the material can pass 200 meshes in the area of 1 inch * 1 inch. By analogy, the larger the number of meshes, the finer the size of materials, the smaller the number of meshes, and the larger the size of materials.


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